Luckily, all three were caught by drivers before they became too serious. The culprits: a power tool battery, an electric vacuum and another unidentified battery.
Never put batteries in the recycle or trash bin. Even small batteries in greeting cards or electric toothbrushes have the potential to cause major damage. Batteries can be recycled at drop-off locations or curbside if you have your own glass bin, and it’s *extremely important* to do it properly.
Please help keep your community and recycling workers safe by following these battery preparation steps: 1) Tape the ends of all batteries, except those that state “alkaline.”
2) Place taped and untaped batteries in a clear one-quart zip-sealed bag, and
3) Set out on top of the glass in your glass bin.
Never remove embedded or built-in rechargeable batteries. If a battery doesn’t come out easily, take the whole device to a drop-off facility. Search Metro’s Find a Recycler tool at or call 503-234-3000 for recycling options.
[Image from a battery fire that required the fire department in 2023 in Clackamas County.]
Recycle +
You can now recycle even more by opting into a new program to reduce waste beyond what is possible through our weekly recycling collections.
Recycle+ offers:
Collection of materials not included in standard recycling.
Convenient on-call pickups.
No subscription required; cancel any time.
Recycle + is now available to our customers living inside city limits and in urban unincorporated Clackamas County.
For more information and to order service visit the Recycle + page below.
You can now recycle batteries in your weekly blue glass collection bin!
Simply tape the terminal ends of your rechargeable and button batteries first and put all acceptable batteries (see list below) in a 1-quart sealed plastic bag and place it in your blue glass recycling bin.
The following batteries can be recycled in the curbside program:
Alkaline batteries such as AAAs, AAs, C, D (don't need ends taped)
6-volt, 9-volt (don't need ends taped)
Carbon Zinc (don't need ends taped)
Lithium ion and button batteries (need ends taped)
Rechargeable batteries (need ends taped)
The following batteries are not accepted in the curbside program:
Lead acid batteries: Take to a battery shop or a hazardous waste facility
Electric bike batteries: Take to a hazardous waste facility
Office Hours
Lobby: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Phone: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00pm to 4:00pm
Lobby: Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Phone: Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00pm to 3:00pm
The office is open every week day except: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
Our drivers are on the job every weekday except Christmas and New Year's Day.If your collection day falls on or after Christmas or New Years day, collection will be one day later that week with Friday customer serviced on Saturday.
Sign up for access to our web portal that will allow you to view your bill, make secure payments, and perform a variety of other convenient account operations.
What to do when bad weather delays pick-up of your garbage, recycling and yard debris
Occasionally, icy or snowy roads make it unsafe for our trucks to be out. We always do our best to put the safety of our customers and their property as well as our employees and equipment first during adverse weather conditions. Since weather changes can occur rapidly during bad weather it is difficult to predict the length of any service delays in advance.
However, in the event of a delay in service, we will do our best to ensure that service is provided as soon as possible after the weather improves.
During inclement weather conditions, driving may be hazardous and the collection of garbage, yard debris, and recycling may be delayed or postponed. In the case of severe weather, collection will be prioritized in the following order:
Yard Debris
· When garbage, recycling and yard debris must be delayed or postponed due to inclement weather, a reasonable effort will be made to pick up before the customer’s next scheduled collection day. Evening and Saturday collections may be necessary.
· If garbage, recycling and yard debris collection must be delayed or postponed to the next scheduled collection day, twice the amount of the current subscribed service level will be collected on the next regularly scheduled collection day at no additional charge.
· We will make every effort to remedy all weather-related misses in a timely manner. Please be aware that while your street may be clear, access to your neighborhood may not. After the severe weather event, drivers may need to deviate from their regular scheduled routes in order to make up snow day misses. This may impact your collection. We appreciate your patience during this time.
· During inclement weather, please leave your roll carts at the curb. This will ensure your carts will be emptied when roads are deemed clear enough for safe passage.
· No credits or refunds for missed collections due to inclement weather or issues beyond hauler control. Postponed collections are not considered missed pickups because the service is provided in due course. Credits are not available for postponed collections due to inclement weather.
We do apologize for the inconvenience but please remember we are making safety a priority during the inclement weather.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Oregon City Garbage is committed to providing you reliable collection service. We are also committed to the safety of our drivers and customers.
That’s why we are reaching out in advance – so you know how we manage weather interruptions and where you can get collection information if bad weather forces schedule changes.
By taking a moment now to review our Extreme Weather Policy, you can help ensure community safety when weather creates unsafe road conditions
Thanks you and be safe, from all of us at Oregon City Garbage Company.
Please click below to review our Extreme Weather Plan
Oregon City Garbage Company serves all of Oregon City and many unincorporated areas within Clackamas County. Owned and operated by B&B Leasing, Oregon City Garbage Co. has been serving the needs of our residents since 1935.
We have designed this site to answer questions you may have about our services as well as maintain your account from the web. It is easy to use and full of information. Thank you for visiting us.
This page provides a basic overview of our services. Clicking on any of the following items will take you down this page to learn more.
Most residential garbage customers are billed once every other month; each bill covers a two-month time period. You may make your payments by sending a check or money order directly to Oregon City Garbage Co., P. O. Box 1840, Oregon City, OR 97045.
You are also welcome to drop off your payment at the Oregon City Senior Center, 615 5th Street, Oregon City. Or, you my drop it off at our office, 820 7th Street, Oregon City.
Our drivers work every weekday except Christmas and New Year's.
Our Services
For trash service we provide a20-, 35-, 65-, or 95-gallon roll carts. Although it will be your responsibility to keep it clean, we maintain the container (unless it is damaged due to misuse) throughout your service with us. With weekly or monthly trash service, customers are provided with two recycle tubs. If within the city limits, customers are provided a 65 gallon yard debris roll cart.
Please don't ask our drivers to empty barrels, well cans, or underground storage containers.
Where to Put Your Container
Most customers place their garbage cans at the curb, although we are happy to pick up your can at your house for an additional fee.
Unless special arrangements have been made, your collection point should never require our drivers to enter a garage, building, or navigate steps. There must not be low hanging obstructions or wires restricting the driver's access. These restrictions help protect your privacy, safety, security, and even your pets-and they reduce the risk to our drivers. A long driveway without clearance, a driveway in poor condition, or a driveway with an inaccessible passage, means your can must be placed at the roadside.
PLEASE … roll carts must always be placed at the roadside.
Please make sure the lid on your cart/can is completely closed. Trash can escape from any can or cart that is filled too full, and on our automated routes, if a roll cart is so full the lid doesn’t completely close, trash can be scattered when the truck lifts it – and the driver is not able to see it. Oregon City Garbage will not be responsible for trash that may be scattered when your cart or can is over-loaded. Further, if the can or cart is full beyond capacity, you’ll be charged for an extra pick up.
Please let us know by calling (503) 656-8403 or click here, if you want a pickup of extra bags, cans, or boxes. You will be billed for each extra item on your next regular bill.
Extra trash must be tightly bundled, bagged, or boxed, and it may not weigh over 40 pounds. Place the extra next to your regular can.
If you have a large appliance, furniture or any other largeitems or additional garbage that needs to be picked up, please notify our office in advance. You can call us at (503) 656-8403 or contact us via the web by clicking here. You will be charged an extra fee for these items on your next regular bill.
Unacceptable Materials
The following items cannot go in your garbage or recycling containers under any circumstances: liquid waste, paint, hazardous waste (which is anything labeled poison or caustic) or any medical sharps.
Missed Pickups
If we inadvertently missed collecting your garbage, recycling or yard debris, please contact us as soon as possible by clicking hereor calling us at (503) 656 -8403. This will let us route your problem to our drivers as quickly as possible.
If we missed your pickup, you may be asked to set out the material for pickup on the next business day. There will be no additional charge, if the volume is no greater than your normal level of service.
If that option isn't convenient, call us to arrange alternate pickup arrangements.
We do not give credit for missed pickups. If you are missed, call (503) 656-8403 or click here. We will get you picked up.
For vacations or other absences of two or more weeks, let us know in advance of your regular pick up day and we'll give you a credit for the number of pick-ups you'll not be using.
Holidays and Extreme Weather Conditions
Our drivers are on the job every weekday except Christmas and New Year's Day. If these holidays fall on your normal pick up day, set your garbage out on the next business day, and we'll be there to pick it up.
Occasionally, icy or snowy roads make it unsafe for our trucks to be out. In extreme weather conditions, we may pick up your garbage late in the day-if the weather improves. Or, if we cannot be there on your regular day, set your garbage out on the next business day, and weather permitting, we'll be there to pick it up.
During severe weather conditions we ask that you hold your recyclables until the bad weather has passed.
Changes in Your Service
A change of service will be necessary, for example, if you are moving, need a different container, or need to change the name on your account. On our services page you will find several options for necessary changes.
Any request for a change in service, must be made by contacting us via our web site, by calling us at (503) 656-8403, or by writing us at:
Oregon City Garbage Co.
P. O. Box 1840
Oregon City, OR 97045-0003
You are responsible for normal charges until we receive a request to change the account. Please call our office in advance to cancel you service. Please leave roll carts and recycle bins out for removal on the final stop date. A charge will be assessed for roll carts and recycle bins not returned from service address after final stop date. Charges will remain on the account until all carts and bins are recovered.
Most residential customers are billed bi-monthly; the invoice covers the current month and one month in advance. Residential customers may request electronic monthly billing at any time. Commercial container customers are billed monthly in advance.
Invoices for all regular garbage service are due on the 15th of the month.
Past Due Accounts
Delinquent accounts are subject to a finance charge after they become 15 days past due. A finance charge of 1.5% monthly (18% annual percentage rate) will be applied on any past due amount, after applying any payments that may have been received.
Service to delinquent accounts can be stopped at any time. Further, if you subscribe to regular garbage service, and have a past due account, we have the right to pull ourequipment.
If your services are stopped due to failure to pay, and you want to restart, you will have to : [1] Pay your account balance in full; [2] Pay a 2-month deposit; [3] Pay a $10.00 reinstatement fee, and a $15.00 equipment redelivery fee; and [4] You must ask to be restarted; we will not restart service without your express desire to do so. To restart, you can call (503) 656-8403 or email us at Give your account number and full address in the text of your email and we will contact you shortly.
All returned checks will be subject to a $20.00 NSF Fee.
Problems With Your Bill
If there is an error on your bill, please call our office at (503) 656-8403, send us a letter of explanation, or click here if you want to contact us about your bill.
Scattered Trash
Scattered trash is everyone's problem. It is unsightly as well as unsanitary. It is frequently the first sign of a problem with an animal. Dogs seem to be the most common culprits, but lately we've had problems with raccoons and opossums.
If you want help of any kind, or need assistance with these kinds of problem, please call our office at (503) 656-8403, send us a letter of explanation, or click here if you want to contact us about a problem.
Other Complaints or Problems
If there is anything we can do to help, please call our office at (503) 656-8403, send us a letter of explanation, or click here if you want to contact us.
Yard Debris Services
If you have weekly garbage service with Oregon City Garbage and are within the city limits or Urban Growth Boundary, you automatically have yard debris pick up services. Click here to learn more.
Recycling Services
If you have weekly garbage service with Oregon City Garbage, you automatically have recycling pick up services. Click here to learn more about these services.